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Launching “Life ClimAction” with Legambiente


Aprile 6, 2022

Legambiente has launched, together with Enel Foundation as Co-founder and Knowledge Partner, "Life ClimAction”. The project is sponsored by the EU Life Programme and aims to combat the climate emergency and facilitate the energy transition, by fostering the engagement of civil society through the development of a national and multitarget awareness campaign

The world’s climate is changing with a constantly increasing growth rate, involving inevitably all regions of the world. The polar caps melt and the sea level rises. In the Mediterranean, warming is expected to exceed by 20% the average global increase and Italy is highly exposed to the effects of climate change, as stated by the last CittàClima Report of Legambiente. According to the data presented, 1,118 extreme weather events have been registered from 2010 to 2021, with an average of 100 per year. 

Seven years after the Paris Agreement and the 2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development, we’re still far from preventing climate change. This is why the European Green Deal was launched, to give concrete answers to the climate emergency and provide a new strategy to foster a just energy transition, capable of responding to challenges related to climate change and environmental degradation while improving the life quality of present and future generations. To achieve these objectives, the European Climate Pact was also approved in 2020, to intensify the dialogue and exchange between the various parties involved in the process of ecological transition.

That is where Life ClimAction comes in. The project was launched to bring the EU and UN’s strategic plans to society at large, and it counts on the support of the Life Programme, the European financing instrument for the environment and climate action, set to implement, update and develop the EU environmental and climate policy and legislation through the co-financing of projects. 

The project will thus involve citizens, youth, the school population, administrations, to raise a new collective awareness and to build a community able to deploy good practices to combat the climate emergency.


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