On March 17 2018 he was appointed as Rector of the Politecnico di Torino by the Italian Ministry of Education, Universities and Research.
He graduated cum laude in Chemical Engineering at the Politecnico di Torino on 16/10/1989, where he became a PhD in 1994. From 1994 assistant and then associate professor in Chemical Plants at the Politecnico di Torino, in 2003 he became full professor in Industrial and Technological Chemistry, and in to Chemical Technology Fundamentals in 2011.
In 2012 he became Head of the Department of Applied Science and Technology (DISAT).
Author and co-author of 8 patents and more than 500 publications in national and internation journals, his h-index is 52 with over 9350 citations (Google scholar).
He ranks 30 among the top Italian Scientists worldwide in the field of materials and nano sciences.
He coordinated set of ten European and National research projects, and has participated, with his group, in about thirty cooperative projects. He has received financial support for research from numerous industrial groups (FIAT, Pirelli, ENI, General Motors; Lavazza; Indesit, Sued Chemie, Italgas, Merloni Termosanatari, Terni Acciai Soeciali, DiaSorin, Alcan, Ausimont, SnamProgetti, SAES Getters, Bekaert, Mossi&Ghisolfi, Biochemtex, Bracco, Asja Ambiente, etc.).
He has represented the Politecnico di Torino in the Research Grouping of the European Joint Technology Initiative pertaining to hydrogen and fuel cells. He was a member of the Bioenergy Education Group for the drawing up of the Set Plan in the Energy sector of the European Community for the H2020 Programme.
He was appointed by the Ministry of the Universities and Scientific Research, as Expert in the National Committee of the Energy sector for the VII Programme Framework. He is a member of the guiding committee of the programme Advance Materials and Processes for Energy Applications section of the European Energy Research Alliance, and is in charge of the Low Temperature Heat Exploitation programme. He is a member of the European Cluster on Catalysis, promoted by the NMP Directorate of the European Community.
Since April 2015 he is a member of the Academy of Sciences of Turin.
Since January 2016 he is Senior Scientist in the Italian Institute of Technology and coordinator of the Centre for Susteainable Future Technologies of this institution, whose primary objective is the capture and conversion of CO2 into valuable products.